Free trackplanning software?
MountainMan Wrote:XtrakCad is a good program with a very steep learning curve. The biggest problem with that is that many planners lose interest in their layout planning due to the sheer frustration of having to learn an architectural drawing program from the ground up.

Another drawback is that since XtrakCad went totally free, it no longer upgrades it's library or software; therefore new items that have occurred over the past years are not available within the program.

Umm - Xtrakcad certainly has a steep learning curve.

But it is still being updated - there is a group of volunteers who keep working on it - you find e.g. new parameter files over at the Yahoo XtrkCad group, and there are new versions released from time to time from sourceforge.

Current release is 4.03a, which was released on July 8th 2009, and can be downloaded from SourceForge, e.g. via the project homepage at .

According to the sourceforge project page, last set of small fixes was checked in 8 days ago.


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