Multi-lap scenery, an open discussion
"I've drawn many twice-around plans. In some cases, parts of these layouts were forced to have three or even four routes through a scene. I could never figure how to make the more extreme cases look convincing."

The quick and simple answer is, don't have three or four routes through a "scene", hide one or two of them.

Hide in plain sight: make the scene look like four tracks are needed ( yard, for example) or have trackage that is used by more than one "route", hiding the points where multiple routes converge.

Use some vertical spacing, as in bridge over, and after briefly going out of sight, cross at grade on a diamond. Four routes can be hidden as two double track routes.

The trick to suspending disbelief, is to make it look "natural", and one of the best ways of doing that would be to have each route "appear, and disappear" alternatively. Scenery, structures, scene dividers, or what ever you can "get away with".

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