Repower Athearn H0 CF-7
faraway Wrote:... One of my five new motors is somehow different and produces more noise than the others when running slow (e.g. coupling) powered by the same Zimo DCC controller. With US internal low shipping cost you might test new motors and ask for replacement of the B rated. To get me right, they are not defect but just not perfect.

Reinhard, the motor noise may be due to poorly seated brushes. NorthWest Short Line suggests, with the motor disconnected from the drive train, to apply partial power (half throttle or less) and lightly tap the brush-end of the motor housing - the plastic handle of a small screwdriver works well. The motor noise should change, although it may also get noisier. Continue tapping until you get the quietest performance. This may not fully-cure the noise problem, but it's an easy operation to try. I've had good results when installing identical Mashima motors in Athearn switchers - one or two were noisier than the others, but were easily corrected with a few taps.


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