Harbor scene... ideas?
TrainNut Wrote:Kevin,
Those links are exactly what I've not been able to find so far! Thanks.

Is... 'cause I want one... a good enough reason? Nah, seriously though, my aisleway in between two sections of my layout resembles a river/estuary and it just kind of fits with the industrial ambiance I'm trying to create in that area. Coming up with a reason has been the hard part.

Sure - you can put it right in the middle of town. Nope

Harbors are built to specifically serve certain industries, and vary enormously from place to place because of that. A fisheries harbor looks nothing like the automated jungle of a harbor serving the iron ore industry, or an oil loading port for example. Your first step is to decide what the purpose of your harbor is going to be, and then design it to meet that need.

Or just put it anyplace...

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