It's Garys fault!
I was just reading Garys thread and noticed how he kept complaining about how dark his ballast was. 357 (I'm just poking fun at'cha Gary!) I've always modeled black 'cause that's what I remember in Flagstaff as a kid. So as I'm panning around looking at aerial images of the Flagstaff area, the first thing I notice is that... the ballast is no longer black.
The next thing I notice is some really dark discoloration of the ballast in specific places. Some of them within 1/4 mile of each other. It seems, though, that there is always a little white box right next to the tracks where the discoloration can be found.
What's the deal? Anybody got a clue?

[Image: image.php?mode=medium&album_id=98&image_id=2492]

[Image: image.php?mode=medium&album_id=98&image_id=2493]

[Image: image.php?mode=medium&album_id=98&image_id=2491]

[Image: image.php?mode=medium&album_id=98&image_id=2490]

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