HOn3 cars for TrainNut
Nice looking kit and some nice workmanship, too, Kevin. Thumbsup

It looks like you've already cemented the floor in place, but I think that it could have been made removeable by sectioning it as I did with my bay window caboose re-build. I would have cut it just outboard of the truck-mounting bolsters, then cemented a full-length strip of .0125" styrene strip near the lower interior edge of each carside. The part of the platform/floor that extends under the body could be cemented or screwed in place, while screws could be used to hold the centre section of the floor. Given the short length of the car, truck removal may have been necessary to get at the screws, but at least it would be possible. I doubt, too, that you'd need access very often after the car is in service, but it would have made painting and window installation simpler. It probably would have been necessary to shorten the brake rods, too, but this wouldn't likely have been visible from trackside.


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