Building and detailing a mountain
Now, I didn't take "Progress" pics so I'll have to reconstruct what happened between the "Layers and the finished hill.

First, I took gold paint and streaked it lightly along the "edges" of the foil. It can be seen above to the left of the portal.
I also decided to create a larger area of lighter colors, so i did that too. Any of the "pale" areas are gold paint.

While it was still VERY wet and blotchy, I cleaned my brush on a towel, dipped it in dark brown and "Mixed" them together on the side of the hill. Remember not to put ANY pressure ont eh foil, or you will flatten out the details.

This toned the gold to the dirty looking color I ended up with. I'm very pleased with the results, it looks just like dirt when you see it. The picture lightens it.

After that - I took a can of American Classics Gray (do you see a pattern here??) and after shaking the can and pointing the spray head toward the hill.. I "hit downward" on the spray head "shooting very short bursts" of paint on to the facade. This gave everything a gray tinge which complimented the gold and brown without putting "too much" gray into the scenery. You can see the hints of gray in the bowl formations.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???

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