Puddlejumper's 2010 Summer Firehouse challenge
Ok, well I am no where near ready for the judging, but I am changing direction with this build anyway. I am withdrawing my build from the challenge.

I was going to build this firehouse as a stand alone structure, but have decided to instead build it in between high rise buildings. Here are a couple of pics of Metropolitan Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, now a privately owned building used by a small business.

[Image: fh3.jpg]

A nice looking old building, It survives as the only remaining evidence in this block of a bygone era. It is now surrounded by high rise buildings on 3 sides. To the right of the building on the right is an alley that leads to a private parking lot, named Hook and Ladder Alley.

[Image: fh1.jpg]

[Image: fh2.jpg]

And a roof view...

[Image: fh4.jpg]

I plan on putting a tall chain link fence along the front of the roof/parapet, and a basketball court on the roof, so the firemen have a place to do recreational physical training.

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