Steamtrains' 2010 Summer structure challenge entry
I've got drawings that one of our "lurker" friends sent to me. (Thanks again, Bob...) They are copies of the originals from the SF archives. Even though they are in PDF format, they've been invaluable in coming up with the "final" version. As I mentioned elsewhere, the drawings will be a guideline for the "semi-prototypical" model I've planned. For starters, the drawings are for a 5-stall structure, the photos show 4, and the model will be three...I don't have room for 4 stalls... Goldth Also, the drawings have brick walls noted, but as can be seen in the photos, these are board & battens, which is how I will build it. Also, the photos show the structure as it appeared in the mid-70's, after it had been converted to a cotton storage house. My build will be as I envision it would have been in its railroad days. Dimensionally it will be very close to the drawings, and will have all windows and doors as are shown on the drawings (or as close as I can get with Tichy's windows).

For starters, here's one of the drawings...

[Image: rdhs1.jpg]

And of the initial stages of the build...

[Image: DSCF2479.jpg]
Windows, windows everywhere....
[Image: DSCF2477.jpg]
[Image: DSCF2474.jpg]
[Image: DSCF2473.jpg]

Since I couldn't find the taller windows anywhere, I spliced two together to get one...

I started with the windows so I could determine the exact opening sizes I'll be needing to cut out. Since the windows go together in pairs, or triads, I'll be pre-gluing them together and fit as one assembly into the walls. That's what those "planks" are for.

The windows are all glazed now, so I'll be moving on to the cut-and-glue part of the build, but I'll have to finish the scale size drawings first... :oops:

Been meaning to ask...You can see on the drawings that two of the side windows span across two of the side "columns". Would it have been built this way, or should the windows be moved to clear the columns..?? Also...What type of roof materials would have been used on such a structure??

More to come....
Gus (LC&P).

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