Steamtrains' 2010 Summer structure challenge entry
Steamtrains wrote ...
(Architects don't like for folks to "mess" with their drawings.... )

It reminded me ...
Back when I was working as a Product Designer at NCR and Sperry Corp., and having to deal with Tool and Die Shops who were cutting tool steel for some plastic part, I occasionally would put the following in the "Notes" block of the drawing ...


I would get a call from the shop with a confused sounding voice asking, "I've been all through the MIL Spec (Military Specifications) Book and I can't find the one on your drawing."

"Oh, that. That's not a MIL Spec, that's one of my abbreviations ... it stands for Make It Like - The Print - for once."

Most times, the guy would just laugh and all would be good to go.

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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