Ocalicreek's 2010 EOY Challenge
No, sorry, this isn't a progress reply. :cry:

Just an update. Is it really procrastination when the reason you're not working on one model train project is because you're working on a different modeling project? It's not procrastinating...just a delay. Misngth

I'm glad Rail Graphics has a fast turnaround time, since I won't be ordering decals until after December 1. Why the delay? Two reasons; one, I won't have the dollars to do it until then. Two, the Model Railroader Lineside Structure Kitbash Contest entries must be in their office by November 30th.

It's the second reason that's pushing back the EOY challenge progress. I'm kitbashing a classic Rico combination station down into two structures - a passenger station and a freight depot. Good timing except that I didn't learn about the contest until earlier this month. Eek Hopefully I'll make the deadline. When my spouse finally rolls out of bed this morning I can get back upstairs and get crackin! The walls are cut and tacked together, the windows and doors are cleaned up and have been dry-fit. Next I need to add bracing and prime the structures. I may take some time to rough-in some scenery around the tracks at Pinto where the stations will sit while the primer dries. The contest rules say preference is given to structures pictured in a scenicked setting. Time to break out the sculptamold!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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