Unstoppable -- new train movie
It is a very sad commentary, indeed, when to portray "gritty real-life situations," the entertainment geniuses of Hollywood feel compelled to lace a script with profanity! I suppose it speaks to the caliber of low rent, under-educated individuals they socialize with! How sad!

Yes, in this predominately blue collar town that I live in there are many who are of the "how many times can I use the "F"-word in a sentence" mentality. In speaking with them on the odd occasion when I would stop in for a cold one at the pub owned by my letter carrier and his wife, I would estimate that few have actually graduated from high school. (I say "actually" as my guess is that a large percentage were "shuffled along" and given a diploma despite not doing any work or going to class with any regularity. Their grammar usage gives them away.)

For the most part, the individuals that I socialize with (at the American Legion, Model Railroad Club and local Methodist church) never use any profanity in their speech and are able to communicate quite well despite their self-imposed handicap! And many of them have held/do hold "Blue Collar" jobs!

I'm often asked why I haven't been to see a movie in a theater in probably ... um ... well, my daughter took me to see the remake of the "Italian Job" when it came out in theaters ... how long ago was that ... and does it really matter? Gratuitous profanity, violence and sex on the big screen turn me right off. I will not pay $12 for a ticket to sit in a theater seat and be repulsed by what I see and hear in a film ... I can go to any of the local watering holes at 10 or 11 at night and see and hear much of the same for the price of a draft beer. And I don't do that very often any more, either.

Gone are the days of John Wayne, Jimmy Stuart, Audry Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn, Alfred hitchcock, et. al. when filmmakers made you use your imagination to "fill in the blanks" and didn't slap you in the face with foul language, blood and guts, giant fireball explosions, bouncing breasts and super close-ups of deep french kissing in the name of "realism!" No thank you!

I'll stay at home, listen to some good jazz and read a book or build a model ... Thank you!

So I guess I'll pass on "Unstoppable."

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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