Walthers Blast Furnace Railings and Stairways
Hi Everyone,
I'm new here so please bear with me. I'm looking for advice on the Walthers Blast Furnace. More specifically the stairway that attaches from the high line platform to the bell platform. I have everything built up as the diagram shows, and it states "Once completed, glue in place along the side of the skip hoist and to the right end of the bell platform." I've seen pictures of completed stairways such as this, but I can't figure out how to attach it properly so that 1.) it stays in place, and 2) it doesn't snap in half. Am I missing something in these instructions like the stairway itself gets glued to the side of the skip hoist? If anyone has built this up on their layout, for the love of god, please help me. I'm ready to loose my mind. I've thought about cutting a small section of the blast furnace wall out underneath one of the platforms and placing a brace in to keep the stairway stable, but I don't want to do anything that drastic if I can avoid it. If you are able to to take a picture of your own blast furnace stairway and can explain in greater detail how you attached it, please email me at <!-- e --><a href="mailtoConfusedteelmillmodeler@att.net">steelmillmodeler@att.net</a><!-- e --> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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