AR-1 and auto reversing a turnaround wye
Hi everyone

I did a search on this forum as well as the "interwebs" for this and I found alot of crazy talk. I am hoping for someone to boil this down for me like I was a 3rd grader. Actually, I am probably a big disappointment to Mrs. Forteins as I am sure most 3rd graders could do this...

I am incorporating a turn around wye in a corner of my new shelf layout. I can see that wiring for a simple loop is straight forward, but when you toss the second loop into the mix, it makes my head hurt.

Can I use 1 auto reverser for the whole thing?

As I look at this, its basically a right triangle and I am having trouble with the second leg of the triangle.

[Image: tri.gif]

If we label the sides A, B and C, then where A and B meet would be the wye in the corner. The side C is the main line. Do A and C on wye 1 need to be gapped as well as B and C on wye 3? Do I need to gap all 6 portions of this turn around wye? What is the capital of Kansas?!? GAAA!!!!!

Ok, I am a visual learner and this isn't going so hot. I think I need a cup of coffee and a danish.

Any help would be great!

I tried the Digitrax Yahoo group too...

[Image: np_F-1ani.gif][Image: goog.gif]

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