Weathering of white walls in the sunny south
Hi all and thanks for the many replies.
The structures are far to large to be individually painted via airbrush in the home office. They all get their paint from spray can on the balcony. First layer is a special plastic primer followed by 2-3 layers of white primer and 1-2 layers of light gray primer for the roof. The consumption of spray cans is considerable high! I would be broke using PollyScale etc. with the airbrush and as said there is no environment to spray that large structures in the home office.
The white primer I am using produces a very dull white tone without any brilliance. It is very close to the paint used on walls.

But my key question is directed to the angelinos if the walls are really as white as they appear in Google street view?
It is hard to see shades of white on the screen. It is furthermore not only a question of color but also if light. Even a not so perfect white wall will look much more white in the bright California sun than on a rainy day in the German fall. I think "clear (but not shiny) white" is the right "impression" for that buildings in southern California. That is the reason why I hesitate to apply a (very light) black wash. The same building in Gary,IND would get a wash for sure!

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