Freelance 2011
P5se Camelback Wrote:... How do you manage Six Months Off?...

A long time ago the German government had the idea to fight the unemployment rate with a special program. It's German name is "Altersteilzeit" (short ATZ).
You go the last six years before first possible retirement on 50% part time with a 50% salary from your company.The government adds a nice bonus on top (you end up with 81% of your old net income) and the company has to hire a new young guy. That's the deal. The program is voluntary for both parties. The employee and the company have both to agree on it.
That program ended about two years ago. They ran out of money. No new applications possible.
My implementation is six month off in summer for six years and than full retirement at age of 63. I am about to finish my second "working winter" with four more to come. The advantage is that I had my first summer off at an age of 57. Most people work the first three years 100% and do the remaining three years off.

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