The Shifter
No, this is a modification of a Mantua "Shifter" 0-4-0 with tender. The boiler, frame and cab are all metal (zamac, I think) and the tender shell is plastic with a cast underframe. I am heavily modifying the engine's details, replacing almost all of the cast on detail with individually applied parts. The only brass scratch work I've done so far has been rebuilding an air tank and making little drop steps for the running board extensions, but I'm getting ahead of myself... Wink

I have remotored the engine with a drop-in replacement from Yardbird Classic Trains that really lowers the starting speed and makes a smoother running engine. Also from YB, I added the valve gear kit. These changes alone would have vastly improved what was already a decent little engine, but I really wanted to go nuts on this one with the detailing.

Russ, you know Joe V.'s work. It, along with Ray M.'s fine detailing and Wayne's Beeg Boy have been inspiration and encouragement throughout this process. Also, there's a fellow over on the Railroad-line forum who used this boiler with an MDC underframe to make a neat little 2-8-0.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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