The Shifter
Here are three images of the frame and the modifications/additions I made.

First, a basic side-on shot. Note the brake cylinders, the grooves cut into the frame ahead of each wheelset, and the coupler lift bar.

A shot focusing on the grooves I cut into the frame with a file. These are actually lined with styrene v-channel, to insulate the metal brake shoe and hanger castings from the frame so as not to short out the wheelsets. More on those in an upcoming post.

This underside shot shows the coupler mounting. Basically it's a kadee with 'whiskers' held in place with a narrowed bit from a kadee coupler box. And look at how clean that gear looks! When I got this little gem she was in decent shape but, like all well used and worn classic steamers she needed a bit of TLC.

These images as well as the ones in the first post are from early 2006. This project has been fits and spurts depending on life situations and conditions at the time, as well as other railroad-related projects going on.

Oh, and uh, Happy New Year!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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