During the last Operating Session at the club, I was coming up the helix from La Junta (staging on the very bottom level) and at some point, I lost six 80' coaches as all that emerged from the tunnel portal east of Pueblo, CO was my D&RGW F7 A-B-A consist ... all by their lonesomes ... I had to back down the helix to retrieve the rest of my train ... which put me way behind schedule! (Had I been a more experienced operator on the layout, I would have noticed that my coaches were still just outside La Junta - the sensor LEDs on the fascia-mounted route map showed them there, plain as day!)

But the point of the story is that the head-end baggage cars had "knock-offs" on them, but only to the end of that session. While stopped at Pueblo, I filled out Bad Order cards on each of the baggage cars. They will both have Kadees by the next session!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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