Removable Micro hill for a micro layout
I wanted to end the "CP/CN" (Canadian Pacific /Canadien National ) interchange lol on my ( 23" by 11" ) N scale micro layout with a small hill and a tunnel.
I built the microhill using slices of pink extruded styrene glued together with latex caulking.
I covered the hill with a thin coat of hydrocal
My 1st intention was to add some small rock casting, but the hill is so small that they would look out of proportion, then I decided to just paint some rough hydrocal spots to simulate the rocks.
I used Woodland Scenics slate gray wash for simulating rocks
I then painted the hill with some latex tan color and added the ground cover.

This is the result:
rear, bottom front and overall view


[Image: microhill1.jpg]

[Image: microhill3.jpg]

[Image: microhill2.jpg]

[Image: tunnel.jpg]

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