Passenger train w/250 pax stops in burning snow shed
Sadly as a species we have a capacity to bitch and moan about being incovenienced even though we have just escaped with our lives.

The lady you mentioned appears to be the only one interviewed who is taking the glass half full approach. She knows she has just had a brush with death and that things are abnormal, but she appreciates that some people are doing their best and offering care and compassion.

On the subject of doing one's best I would just like to offer the following example of bad leadership and self interest.
During the Royal Commission into the Black Saturday bushfires here in Victoria two years ago, on February 7, 2009, which killed 173 people, injured 5000 with about 25,000 made homeless, it emerged that the female Police Commisioner Christine Nixon had visited the emergency command centre without making any real command contibution, left the centre for an appointment with her biographer, and her hair dresser and then gone out to dinner with her husband and friends, and then gone home.

Now as the Chief she knew full well just how dangerous the weather was going to be that day, the Premier had even helped issue a special warning on the TV news, yet she maintained her 'hands off approach' and kept to her planned day.

Needless to say, she quit as the Chief and later she had to resign from the re-building commission in disgrace.

Bloody silly cow. Talk about a screwed up set of priorities.

That day was an absolute bitch of the first order, scorchingly hot 45 degrees celcius with a blast furnace like North wind which was howling and moaning.
Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More

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