Alternative to the NMRA Master Model Railroader?
ocalicreek Wrote:That may not be a terrible criticism and is certainly not a slur or personal attack against the modeler. However, Print those thoughts on a forum and you mighty get lynched. This is just one example and not all are negative. But it's that sort of peer interaction that somehow builds a shared understanding that alot of 'attaboy's' and flat out adoration Worship just cannot do.

I also hate this environment of "you can do no wrong" thinking at times. As you've said, you can get lynched for pointing things out. Several times i've been chastised for trying to help people. The worst areas for this are track planning threads and any "new" modelers.

Frequently, their track plans don't necessarily work, mostly because they're sketched on a piece of paper or on MS Paint or something. Often times, if a new guy really likes a plan, I'll make it on my track planning software and see how it fits in reality. Several times these plans do not work or fit the goals of what the original poster of the plan wanted. Sure enough, every time I begin to point out flaws or trouble spots (respectfully and politely), i get 4 or 5 people telling me "Its his layout, he can build it how he wants", completely oblivious to the fact that he CAN'T build it because its physically impossible (good luck getting that HO 4-8-2 Mountain to go through those 10" curves).

I don't understand what the problem is with helping people in this manner. So much for "teaching".
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
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