Computer-aided photos for Sweethome Alabama
Following a discussion on photography and depth of field in another forum, I downloaded a 4-week trial of some computer software called Helicon focus

Simply put, the software takes a number of partially-focused photos and layers them on top of one another to produce a single perfectly focused shot.

Here are my first two attempts. The first photo used 16 layers and a tripod, the second used 8 layers and the camera was perched on the layout. I think a tripod is the way to go.

I had to reduce the size of the final images to get them under 2mb and I dare say I could have edited the photos further using Photoshop or Picasa3

[Image: 11-07-20_hf1.jpg]

[Image: 11-07-20_hf2.jpg]

I still have a way to go but am quite pleased with the results so far.

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