Making a pantograph
In this thread I will demonstrate how I fabricated pantographs for a Pennline GG1.
The materials needed are:

.020" steel or brass wire
.010" brass sheet
1/2" length of 3/32" brass tubing
2 small springs

Materials for the jigs are:

a block of wood
straight pins
two 1/16" dia. roll pins (or 1/16" dia. rod)
1 popsicle stick

Tools needed:

needlenose pliers
fingernail clippers
soldering iron
small alligator clips
spring type clothes-pin
small file
scissors (to cut brass sheet)
tubing cutter (or razer saw)
1/16", 3/32", 1/8" drill bits and hand drill
small hammer
magnifier glass

This is a photo of the jigs
Ray Marinaccio

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