Alternative (EASY!) Method to plastering scenery (Pics!)
If you're like me, and like to take your time to make sure you get the exact results you are looking for, then you have probably also wasted many bowls of plaster that dried before you got a chance to use it. Also, you probably can't stand the dripping mess that plaster soaked paper towels make, or the hassle of cutting wet material to fit a particular spot.

Well my friends, this how-to is for you! I pondered one night how to eliminate these problems. I've tried constantly mixing the plaster so it wouldn't set - that's no good, because plaster only sets ONCE, so once it starts to set, by mixing it, I broke it up and ruined its hardening properties. I was at an impass... then it occurred to me: Why mix the plaster at all? Why not put the plaster powder on the layout, then mist it with a sprayer and allow it to set just as it fell? Well, I set out to try it, and am very pleased with the results! All of which I plan to share with you:

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