Nice cold Pepsi anyone?
I was looking for graphics on the net for the interior of the gas station, when I came across something I thought would be quick and easy to make... Sure was!

A nice quick 15 minute project. (Well, if you only count assembly.)


Quote:Originally posted by philip
Is that one of those lead pencil refills for mechanical pencil?
Actually, are you ready for this? It's posterboard! What I did was make a "box" out of posterboard, painted it black, and then layered the graphic on the front and two sides with spray adhesive. I shot it with some fixative to give it the glossy look. I plan to mass produce these little suckers and pepper them all over my module (and other people's modules, if they'll let me LOL)

Quote:Originally posted by Anachron
Wow very cool
Can't u give us the image you used?
Sure thing! Here you go! (You might have to finagle with it a little bit... I've set it at 600dpi - which is what my printer puts out - so you might have to adjust the size and settings to match your printer. This is N scale, by the way. Just print it out twice as big for HO scale.)

Coke and Dr. Pepper machines in the works


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