1 : 1 scale modeling
Thanks Doc.

The mechanical department put out a guideline/bulletin on MU-ing our F units to help out some of the newer crewmembers. Just a tidbit of info I thought you might find interesting.


MUing F3 Locomotives
The control and fuel pump, engine run and generator field switches in the trailing unit must never be in the on position when MUing units. Only the lead unit is to have the control and fuel pump, engine run and generator field switches in the on position, all trailing units must have the control and fuel pump, engine run and generator field switches in the off position when MUed and prior to applying the MU jumper. NO EXCEPTIONS! Generator field should only be on in the lead unit when the engineer wants traction power, it must be in the off position for positive protection/3 step. If one unit fails to respond to throttle changes or shuts down in notch 5 or 6, check the fuel pump fuse, even if the fuel pump is still running.
Transition in F3 Locomotives
In order for the F3’s automatic transition to be effective the selector handle (to the left of the throttle) must be placed in the extreme left position (#4) before operating reverser. The reverser can only be removed in the off position. The reverser handle MUST be removed from the control stand in all trailing units.
From the off position the notches to the left are:
1. Series Parallel
2. Series Parallel Shunt
3. Parallel
4. Parallel Shunt-Full transition
If you place the selector handle in any position besides #4, you will only allow transition to that step and not full transition. Do not shift transition lever (manual transition) with the speed or meter indications, unless otherwise advised by your supervisor. Failure to follow these procedures will lead to high voltage system equipment damage.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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