Shipping to others
Not all of my fleet is at the same standard, or for that matter, it's easy to go to a swap and find something for a few bucks that could be equipped with Kadees or whatever and used for a program like this. Participation is naturally 100% voluntary -- if you're concerned about losing something, then by all means, it's up to you not to participate. My goal in participating would be to increase fellowship with other modelers and have a little fun seeing a piece of my equipment, however basic, on someone else's layout. I would balance this benefit against the risk of losing something that cost me $5 or whatever 15 years ago, and to me, that's an acceptable risk. This isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea, but it does sound like some guys are interested.

Les, you might be right, if we can get the rules and procedures clear enough, there might be no need for a coordinator. On the other hand, if I say "I need an empty clean-lading XM for my grain elevator at Zenith", where do I post it? Would there be a subforum here for that? If so, there'd have to be a moderator.

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