It seesaws up the switchback spur:    
And shoves back to the loading platform at the Woollett Shoe Company:     There's just enough room on the loading platform to load the shoes without having to move the hopper, since the loco is going to go right back with the loaded car.

I decided that all my off-layout interchange is going to go via car ferry. Here's a Santa Fe switcher shoving PRR 28919 onto the car ferry with a Santa Fe "boat flat", or idler (they used them in San Francisco Bay):    
And here it is on the float bridge -- bye bye, going to the post office tomorrow!    
On paperwork, I didn't have enough of an idea how to do an LCL waybill for the locations on Les's layout. We'll have to work this out as we go along!

I had a ball shooting these -- I hope more guys get inspired to do this.

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