An engine servicing facility for the JGL
Thanks Wayne, I hadn't realized how much your station looked like that Ford plant. It is indeed a great look. I had intended to use brick for the side and rear walls, but was having trouble coming up with a "look" for the front wall, which should be fancier. I had looked thru my Walthers catalog but nothing really got me. Of course the Ford plant is no longer in the catalog, nor would I buy it but will scratch it as you have done. I really like your power plant building, those rooflines are intricate!

Thanks for confirming what I thought I had heard Pete. I reapplied the dullcote and yes indeed, it returned the finish to as it had been.

Finished the small office/storage bldg, here it is, I hope to "plant" it today. I need to gather some dirt from the frozen ground in the backyard and put it in the toaster oven first.

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