An engine servicing facility for the JGL
This first pic shows the end of the peninsula, where the helix is located. You can se the floor of the roundhouse, which is the Walthers 3 stall kit, two of them actually for 6 stalls. The 3 stalls on the right have been extended 3" and a cinder block addition will be added to the brick structure. To the left of the turntable is an old Magnuson model serving as a fill in for now, a scratchbuilt powerplant will go there, burning oil deliverd on the track alongside. To the right of the leadtracks you see a switcher sitting in front of a tower. The track that runs in front of the tower and to the right where you see the end of a passenger car, is the siding Eddie Willer's private car is spotted on. JGL corp. offices will be there.


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