Dirty Dirt
Matt Snell had a series of articles in RMC earlier this year on modeling New Jersey-style trash transload facilities, containers, and trains. I think it was the June 2012 issue (I don't have it handy) where he discusses scratching the low blue type in my photo. He also discusses converting Walthers 20-foot ISO containers to trash service, as shown in the photo in my post above. Elsewhere outside New Jersey, though, the dirty dirt transfers seem to be just roadside deals -- looks like the containers get trucked in to a transfer point like the one you can find in Paramount.

But also there's dirty dirt shipped in gondolas, both low-side GB type and older unit coal gons, and I think I've seen dirty dirt in hoppers, too, like the Walthers 2-bay Greenville cars especially. It's all another arrow in the quiver for modern operation, it seems to me. I like dirty dirt a little better than trash, simply because I can find trash in the trash cans out in back and don't want to think about even modeling it in the house -- and dirty dirt takes up a lot less layout space for a transload.

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