Prototype Plans For A Narrow Shelf Layout
Done some more thunking, another similar operation would be the Union RR. of Oregon, which ran about 3 miles from a triangle junction and siding with the UPRR to the small local community of Union City, and served 3 or 4 customers in the middle of nowhere. A lovely description says " That railroad went through a whole lot of nowhere to get to not much of a place" They ran 2 diminutive Plymouths (Stored at Hoffs) that shoved the traffic alongside a country road and were absolutely dwarfed by the hopper cars that they moved. There was a cover photo, and an article in a way back Scale Model Trains magazine October 88 about it. AFAIR it had a runround siding about ¾ mile in that served one customer, Hoff Lumber(4 cars each track) , and another turnout at the "town" end of the line and serving Baker Mill & Grain (4 cars), Bronson Lumber, Retail and Hardware (3 cars) and between Hoffs and town the track ran through the street and could reasonably expect occasional use as a team track for merchandise in - out bound traffic woodchips from Hoffs and finished lumber with smaller quantities from Bronsons Occassional hoppers of coal inbound to Bronsons Seasonal grain traffic with up to 5 loads out each day in the rush period, and 5 empties inbound from the junction. MAXIMUM load for the Plymouth is 3 cars! - Makes you use your switching skills!
Google finds some pics <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> + a few more - worth a poke about in Google Images too

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