Raised road bed
There's a long and interesting thread on another forum by an Australian modeling scenes in Maine, which is not too far south of your prototype. His approach has sometimes been hit-or-miss, but he does discuss a generally successful rip-rap project at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thewhistlepost.com/forums/ho-scale/11046-winter-new-england-mark-ii-4.html">http://www.thewhistlepost.com/forums/ho ... -ii-4.html</a><!-- m --> I would say for something like what you're doing, try what seems to work and stick with what works best! I've done a little rip-rap on my layout. I put up a basic scenic contour with cardboard web and plaster cloth, cover that with Sculptamold or Celluclay mixed with extra white glue, and then add layers of the pre-selected rocks, pushing the first layer into the Sculptamold while it's still soft, then adding more layers on top. Soak the finished layers with a good spray of wet water, then drizzle a lot of white glue over that, then spray with more water and wait overnight to see what you've got.

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