Hi there, yes 3MM leds should work just fine. I've used them on some of my locos.

I carefully file the top of a led flat and polish with a fine piece of sandpaper (600 grid or finer.)
I then drill two small holes at the location of the beacon at the same distance as the LED's legs. Before I install it, I carefully paint the lower 'rim' of the LED a silver colour, and use a drop of CA glue to fix it in place. Once fitted I solder wires to the LED from the inside of the hood and bend the legs after that flush with the inside of the locomotive shell/roof and attach it to it's corresponding output of the decoder.

You can see the beacon in action on my GP38-2 on a poorly video I posted on youtube some years ago. I did it with an old Blackberry, and video quality isn't great, but you get the idea , and perhaps a feel for the size of the beacon. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJt7FPqkuwQ">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJt7FPqkuwQ</a><!-- m -->

Be sure to visit my model railroad blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.namrr.blogspot.com">http://www.namrr.blogspot.com</a><!-- m -->

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