new layout with no name
Now that 59th and Rust is all most complete,i can turn my time to planning the next one(i'm allowing 3 months), the size i have is 12' x 14", been playing around with "Anyrail"track design and have come up with a plan i'm happy with and fits in with the track i already have 2LH,1RH #8 points and 8 lengths of track,all Peco code 83.

A box cars-loads in
B tank cars -loads in
C box car- loads in
D c/hopper(grain type)- loads in
E small 2 bay c/hopper- loads in or out??
F box cars-loads out

The time period will be 1990-2000-ish,i have most of the stock above,(just need a few box cars) i have enough diesels to run the layout, train lengths are loco +3 freight cars(based on a gp and 60' cars) and also have all the timber i need.

What i don't have is a type of industry to suit the freight cars i have,if you can help me out with ideas or can see a problem with the track plan, i'm all ears,any feed back good or bad are welcome

ps. it's already book in for a show October 2014

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