Posing A Question About THe Hobby
I guess it's my turn to chime in.

I buy Ready to Run rolling stock and engines. I also buy kits. I have yet to buy that Bowser kit... I am quite nervous about THAT but I would have to say that its my choice. If I want to build scenery, or not, it's my world. I can choose what I want to do with it.

From time to time, I buy the British Hornby Railroading magazine and in the October issue, there was a similar argument, Why are you in the hobby if you aren't going to exactly recreate a railway.

It comes down to It's My World.

If I want to hire it done, so be it.. It's My World. If I want to create my own paint schemes or letter an engine that NP didn't have, so be it... It's My World.

That being said, I do believe that MR exhibits the commercial aspect of somethings a bit much and that this article shows it. But they are in business to make money and they do have a responsibility to show readers different ways to railroading. Did I enjoy the article? Eh, it was ok. Will I cancel my subscription because of it? No.

I do think they should expand it's search for railroads to show. No offense to members here and elsewhere, but if they wanted to show the masses a great layout? I would vote for DoctorWayne's layout. His is not the only one here that I think exceeds what they have shown, but his How To's are outstanding. Just his How To on water, alone, taught me more on making water than any of the Kalambach books or any of the past 3 years of MR that I have been reading.

That's about it. To sum up - It's My World. If you wanna buy it done, It's Your World.

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