I found a wayback machine
MR has been way over priced for years.I keep hearing complaints about how they are dumbing it down for the newbies,but then these same folks will tell you how mouch they learned from MR back in the day before they knew everything there was to know.Which brings me to my permanant complaint about us old folks who complain that kids have no interest in trains but as soon as one of these kids ask a question they get treated like some pain in the arse and are told not to bother me.So where are these kids going to get their info ? Right from mags like MR and RMC and others plus online.Not planning to turn this into a rant so I'm gonna stop here and go look at my dumb ol MR mag. :mrgreen:
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"

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