I have a problem I can't seem to shake
You are not alone by far. For me, I get far more enjoyment from creating than I do running trains. I've always maintained that from the get-go and I don't see that ever changing. I guess that's why I felt little sorrow when I took my layout down when we thought we were going to move, and it now lies in the landfill. It gives me a fresh chance at starting anew, creating a whole new world, and maybe, just maybe, I'll get the trackwork good enough so that I can run trains once in a while.... no guarantees though.

Don't feel that you're coming up short by not getting excited about running trains. Some can't wait to get their track in place to run on a sheet of plywood, some run elaborate sessions with engineers, conductors, dispatchers and waybills, while others of us are content to just create a world that includes model trains.....
Don (ezdays) Day
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