Parade time
Felt like I was at a parade today...
First by...
[Image: 0785720e566a97c125751bc3cc303d90_zps2m5wpfrt.jpg]
Then, there were two of these...
[Image: 5aa4ab3cc5e81c99b98e75966f20b974_zpswd88ebur.jpg]
Followed by this yellow critter...
[Image: d47ff705dd941a4475193d879e1963dd_zpspbrgtjjr.jpg]
...another one of these...
[Image: e8ef0da55b31ed95c40ee33a29b2c65d_zpsd2km1arg.jpg] of these...
[Image: 893d8dceeea67501dc9c3c62615d9e79_zpshwkcvj5h.jpg]
...this contraption...
[Image: 4d26ae6fb640d86b9544dc7ef19e6d97_zps60s1zpq1.jpg]
...and finally these two guys...
[Image: 092e4cdadf8514ee95f690ac6af001a6_zpsobpgz9qa.jpg]
[Image: e12a3afecd46928fd2ffa8f7d6a0b60d_zpsy23qmyd8.jpg]

They were all real friendly and waved and each one honked as it crossed the crossing, some much more enthusiastically than others.

I'm pretty sure they were track maintenance vehicles though I must admit, I have no idea as to the function of each one.

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