Radio Island, North Carolina
With the planned sale of my HO Scale layout - West Allen Street - I will be left, for the first time in several years, without a layout.

I've got a couple of tiny N scale micro layouts that have gotten to/past the wiring stage before being shelved, so I thought it best to crack on with one of them and get it finished.

Initially, the layout was due to be set in New Orleans, however my love of the Southern and the L&N has made me think about moving the layout further north. Having built a layout set in Virginia, one in Kentucky, and am currently working on a layout set in Georgia, I thought - why not North Carolina?

North Carolina has the benefit of a coastline, and this layout was always supposed to be a waterfront themed layout. On top of that, I've been wanting to build a layout using the Clevermodels Waterfront Collection for a while.

As such, I've looked around, and decided to borrow the name Radio Island from a real place on the coast of NC.

The layout won't be a representation of the real place, however.

Benchwork is made from 5mm foam board, creating a very sturdy but very light base. Trackwork is Peco setrack switches, a little flextrack for the straight sections and then Kato unitrack for the curves.

Minimum radius is about 6", so rolling stock will need to be 40', and locomotives small switchers. I've got a Bachmann 44t switchers, and an Atlas MP15DC, both in Southern colours, and I'm currently looking to get hold of L&N 98 and 99 - a pair of GE 70t switchers.

Photographs of my starting point are below, however a lot of the structures shown below are mockups, and won't actually be on the finished model.

[Image: 35217173115_78760246f1_b.jpg]

[Image: 35176998636_b310b40185_b.jpg]

I've started building some of the Waterfront Collection to go on the layout, starting with Witten's Chandelry, Haven Point Lighthouse, and Zelmer & Co Merchantile.

I'll post progress photos on the builds as they progress. Smile

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