Hi! I'm New Here with a Small Layout
Andy, absolutely right! I was able to find info and switch lists for the actual prototype bakery online. It was a regional supplier, so bulk grain in and processed grain and finished goods out. Plus tankers and boxes. On the model I have 2 spots for boxes and grain hoppers, a spot for loading airslides, and a spot to unload tankers. Of course those spots all overlap in my limited space.

Here's the first spot, with the hopper unloading grates and tanker hoses visible at the tracks


Spot 2, occupied in this pic, is used for loading airslides with processed grain, unloading bulk grain into grates on the ground, and boxes at the dock


The entire facility (including my feeble attempt to shop in a sky)


Shortliner, those buildings are .060 styrene and the tanks are .020 styrene. To make the tanks I started by dipping the styrene in boiling water and forming it around a wooden dowel, but that didn't work at all. I ended up just wrapping the styrene around the dowel while I glued it. I used scrap pieces as bracing inside to help keep its shape. I'm putting together a video on the bakery build, I'll post that soon. Thanks for your interest!

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