KISS or take no changes
faraway Wrote:....I assumed no mechanical problems but the lack of a powerful switch machine made it clear how much glue interfered with the simple mechanic. It toke about 10 minutes per switch to remove all set glue to get a smooth operation with a simple over center spring.....

Reinhard, a good way to prevent ballasting glue from interfering with turnouts is to put a little plastic compatible oil on the ties over which the points move, then move the points back and forth a few times to spread the oil. Do this after the ballast is in place - otherwise, the ballast will stick to the oil. Before spraying with "wet" water, park the points at mid-throw, so that they're not touching either stock rail - if the operating spring is in-place, use bits of styrene to prevent the points from moving towards the stock rails. Apply the diluted glue mixture, then allow it to completely dry before removing the styrene blocking.


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