Monitoring switch position (prototype)
Got the answer in <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> from dehusman

Assuming you are talking about a hand throw circuit in ABS territory, there is no indication back to the dispatcher. All it does is cause the signals in the field to display a restrictive signal. The switch indicator is wired into the signal circuits.

Assuming you are talking about a hand throw circuit in CTC territory, there is no indication back to the dispatcher. All it does is cause a track occupancy indication (looks the same as a train sitting on the tracks or broken rail ) and the signals in the field to display a restrictive signal. The switch indicator is wired into the signal circuits.

Assuming you are talking about a hand throw circuit in "dark" PTC territory, there is no indication back to the dispatcher (other than described above). The switch will be wired into a local communication node that will communicate with the trains and PTC system by radio.

Dave H.

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