Viperman's HO layout progress
Ditto to what has been said so far, Steven. Nice shots as usual, Wayne.

I'd add this: my first impression was, it reminds me of one of John Pryke's steam engines in this way, that he paints on rust, water scale, etc. very heavily at first, then uses an overall wash/mist of dust/grime to soften the color and blend the edges. I've used a similar technique (sorry, no photos at the moment I can think of...) on structures, only with different materials.

I like the Bragdon weathering powders and use these plus acrylic craft paint washes as my primary weathering materials.

Great little shed, but needs more than just the base color and rust. Keep adding subtle layers of color & texture until you barely notice, then add more. Use this first picture as a reference to show the difference - keep coming back to that as your baseline.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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