Interaction Hobbies Christmas tree dealer kit
You're welcome. I've built quite a few of their kits and enjoyed all of the builds.
I made some good progress over the past few days, starting with painting.

I painted most of the parts while they are still on their cards. I had a Decoart Christmas red in my collection (how appropriate) and the white was a white spray can primer. 


I removed the four main inner and outer walls and laminated them together. The inner walls are a thin resin board. The outers are basswood. The basswood walls are easily broken when cut out of the card (ask me how I know) but easily glued back together.


I assembled the windows on the sides, each one has 4 parts including a laser cut piece of clear plastic 'glass'


And them the door was assembled and attached.  This is progressing quite quickly. I hope to get it done by the end of the weekend.

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RE: Interaction Hobbies Christmas tree dealer kit - by cnrglen - 12-07-2022, 07:51 PM

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