Rearranged... slightly
We just rearranged some main forum topics. The "Dispatcher's office" is now first followed by "The depot" then "Photographer's right of way". Why you ask? Well, the Dispatcher's office is for forum business and belongs at the top. Then we wanted to group the two main forums that contain everyday participation forums such as the "Hobo's camp" and the "Weekly photo fun" threads. We are hoping that by keeping these linked closer together, sort of, we can get more people to participate in these threads. Everyone is invited to post their pictures in either thread and we hope that you do. Right now for instance, in the Photo fun thread, participation is a bit lopsided and we would hope to change that by getting more people to post there. And we enjoy hearing for those folks that post in the daily Hobo's campfire thread, but we'd also like to hear from you too and you can post photos in there as well. So please join in if you would. Welcome Welcome
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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