Freelance 2013
Ralph Wrote:The company wrote back with a refusal, but the reply was written on their letterhead that included just the logo he was looking for!

Sounds about right! Corporate lack of sense Icon_lol Wallbang


Such is life
Well, it has been silent here due to a nice vacation on the Canary Islands. We had scary storm Sunday and Monday.
The current work stream is to replace the last freelance buildings (photo below) with structures at least inspired by a prototype from Chicago or the great lakes and mainly scratch build. However, I did not find anything suitable yet.
[Image: file-84.jpg]

On the long run is a complete rebuild required. The current base layout has been modified over and over and a more drastic rebuild is in my mind. The problem is the huge amount of possible layout themes.

Bottom line: it might be very silent for some more time here :o
That's a really nice layout, I don't think I would want to tear it apart. Eek

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
You might want to take a look at this site: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> It seems to me that you could maximize the space you have with interchange and junction-style trackwork.
A nice US guy named Colin recommended in Photobucket to beef up my Bluebox SW1500 shells with this nice windows:
[Image: file_zps5083ad51.jpg]

They are named "press fit" and they are indeed "press fit". Very easy to install from the outside.
[Image: file_zps6deced1d.jpg]

Walthers Part # 152-232
American Model Builders
Pre-Masked Laser-Cut Acrylic Glazing Window Sets
Athearn SW1000 & SW1500 Diesels
Is that the UK Colin? Have been helping him w/ his LAJ layout.
Andy Jackson
Santa Fe Springs CA
ATSF/LAJ Ry Fan & Modeler
lajry Wrote:Reinhard
Is that the UK Colin? Have been helping him w/ his LAJ layout.

Andy, I do not know. This is the photo on PhotoBucket he commented on
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ort=3&o=29</a><!-- m -->
I assumed he is an american? His name might Colin Hart. Do you know him?
Most guys named Colin are from the UK. When I was a kid, I kept thinking "colon" (as in intestine) when I saw the name Colin.
A "legal update" has been applied to the roof of the "noname" salt distribution center. It would be to cumbersome to edit each further photo or mask the roof lettering for each photo and last not least a noname company is a more flexible choice for a freelance layout.
[Image: file_zpsfb4e4a17.jpg]

and with a lite wash
[Image: file_zpsad89423a.jpg]
Perhaps a GERN Salt establishment might be appropriate Goldth


Such is life
Really a shame that you can't use the prototype salt company name and logo on your model. It's not like you are competing with the company or anything. Nice free advertising in my opinion and makes it quite obvious as to what the model structure is based upon. You'd think they'd be pleased.

How many model railroaders are using prototype company names and logos on models in order to duplicate an actual scene and location? Cargill and ADM are some that come to mind. In fact Cargill also a major producer and distributor of salt so perhaps you could use their name and logo since apparently Walther's got permission to use the Cargill name and logo on their grain elevator kit? Just a thought.

If nothing else, perhaps at some point you can come up with a realistic sounding, but fictional name and logo to use which would really make for that final nice distinctive touch on the structure roof. Guess on my own freelance layout, I need to make sure I'm not using actual company names or logos for any of my prototype based structures/industries.
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
Did wonder if the little lady could be reversed to face left instead of right at the other end of the roof, and it be re-lettered for MOTOWN SALT with the legend "It's STILL pouring!" 2285_
Gets the point across, and is recognisable without breaking copyright
Well, the bright white roof with the hick blue letters was unique but did also dominate the optical appearance of the relative small ISL much more than intended. I am thinking about phantasy letters but more hidden under weathering.
It is a typical problem of scale and proportions. The prototype roof is very small compared to the city of Chicago but my model is huge compared to my layout.
It has ben a long time without Gensets, Shoeboxes ..... I am afraid I am addicted :o
[Image: file_zpse4c8c2fb.jpg]
[Image: file_zps1b6154c5.jpg]
Gensets are certainly addictive! This is at Mead Yard, Wilmington, CA. The UPY 2005 is unique, and it's growing on me! Don't know how hard it would be to kitbash.

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