Introducing The PistonBroke Line
Thanks Gus, the boys know how to work it's just getting them to work is the problem. Icon_lol

Being a "Broken down sheep cocky" (That's Australian for "Old sheep farmer") here is the rubber cement I used as the masking agent to try and get the old paint look. (I know....I know....but I am working on it!!)
[Image: 100_1959.jpg]
Tax free hobby tools , I like it. Thumbsup

Here is that fellow skiving off again. I think he be one of the Boy's laborers, .....methinks those Kramers are smarter than this
[Image: img_0283.jpg]
....But it looks like he got to second base...

While this Dude was doing his thing those kramers kept on building
[Image: img_0262.jpg]

[Image: img_0256.jpg]

I'm kinda liking those rafters, may have to leave some roof off to expose them
[Image: img_0263.jpg]

[Image: img_0264.jpg]

But the first of the shingles are on already
[Image: img_0265.jpg]

And still no sign of that new hand, I think I will go and look for him's getting late and he might be lost.

I'll let you know if we find him when I get back. Nope

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
Worship Worship Terrific work...!!! Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
Watch your hands there buddy!
Does look good, can't wait to see the rest.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
Thanks for the comments Gus and Ed.

eightyeightfan1 Wrote:.....Watch your hands there buddy!
I knew I should have gone down to the beach earlier to find that workman. 35

Alas, I was to late to stop him doing something silly. Eek
The "Pistonbroke Post" that sleazy pictorial from downtown PistonBroke was already there, said he was acting on a post- it note he found on his desk, that purported someone was going down at the Port.
Well he got that right. :oops:
He gave me a couple of photos he took at dusk last night as things were heating up.. "Just to prove you have a slacker in your work force," he said, "and under the 257 immigration work visa act, he could be deported for slacking off."

Here is one of the cleanest Pics he took
[Image: img_0275.jpg]
He said I had to pay big money if I wanted the other photos.
"The Money shots" he called them :o
So I did.... to protect my man of course....what else?
That's what you do.
Sheeesh, .....But she 's not half bad.

Next morning at the site....
[Image: img_0278.jpg]
WOW! They have been busy.

Even got the little Attic rooms completed
[Image: img_0288.jpg]

But I spied this 257 worker and approached him and gave him some ideas of what lies ahead if he ain't careful

I said "See here my Boy " and showed him what happens if he continues ..."
[Image: img_0284.jpg]
"It's a look into the future man"

Then he said .."Yikes! I can see it now, then it will be like this eh?"...
[Image: img_0286.jpg]

Those pictures cared the livin' daylights out of him, especially when I showed him the other photos I had,
Told me he would be a good boy from now on, Goldth a glimpse into the future was all he needed, well that.. and knowing those photos might just have a life of their own if he transgresses.
(Any one who wants one, pm me , only $500 a pic) That's $US of course.

So Drama over, and a full workforce now,

they started to redo the two roofs on the left
[Image: img_0289.jpg]

[Image: img_0290.jpg]

[Image: img_0291.jpg]

They have all knocked off now, it's been a big day, and I need to see that all these fellas get a good nights sleep, (on their own) if we are to keep to our deadline with this build, So 'till next time "adios"

..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
Building looks great!! Fun story line too!!

Maybe if I'd "seen" those pics years ago... I'd have more money for trains.. Instead of givin' it away to the kids Goldth Goldth Goldth
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
ngauger Wrote:Maybe if I'd "seen" those pics years ago... I'd have more money for trains.. Instead of givin' it away to the kids Goldth Goldth Goldth

Cheers I mentioned the same thing to the War office Mikey but she couldn't see the funny side. 'Aint hindsight a wonderful thing.

OK, the guys got a wriggle on and completed what they had to do to finish up this morning;
only the roof restoration, the painting, and the replacing of the signs to go, and I think the owners want to do that. :mrgreen:

Nice people, Mr Simon and Mr Busby, they have been very accommodating over the period we have been here. Thanks guys. Cheers

So here are the last few pics
[Image: img_0293.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0624.jpg]

Around the corner
[Image: img_0294.jpg]

And again.. around we go
[Image: IMG_0621.jpg]

So that is where we leave the wharf for a while, no doubt we will be back before long to tackle another building

There she goes it's been fun
[Image: IMG_0622.jpg]

Jack 219 and the crew [Image: Staple_gun_by_ManiacalMuffin.gif]
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
Kramer boys gone.... 219
They earned a couple of days off....A thoroughly beautiful job....!!! Worship Worship
Gus (LC&P).
I love the weathering. Top notch stuff.
Thanks for stopping by and posting your comments guys, much appreciated. :oops:

Our harvest here has come to a bit of a halt as a wee bit of rain has fallen which has put a spanner in the works for a couple of days, so a quickie post to keep the boys working.
I know, I know, you thought you had finally seen the last of me and those Kramers.... 2285_
....But Xmas is coming, and time is money and work is scarce.
When approached, the Boys jumped at the chance, any work is good work at the moment they say, and seeing as how there is another mouth to feed on the way (after the little escapade on the beach with Molly! ) I reckon there will be a lot of overtime done.

So what is it?

A contract to recreate an authentic hard working 50 yr old Radiator Repair shop in downtown Pistonbroke. Misngth

And the Architects box of bits
[Image: img_0346.jpg]

Open Pandoras Box and...
[Image: img_0345.jpg]
All the goodys fall out

So the boys set to work and had all the walls finished and painted before I could down a couple of frothies at the local pub. Cheers

[Image: img_0348.jpg]

"Well that's OK this time" says I, but I need some photos for my Clients so don't start so early tomorrow, wait until I get here with my camera.

I plan on getting to the site at 6am tomorrow morning .... then we will see whose Boss.

Hafta catch some ZZZs then if that be the case.... So G'night and Goodbye 'till tomorrow Morning.

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
Just catching up on your progress Jack and really like what I see. Your going to enjoy putting that Bar Mills kit together there alot of fun , I just finished or just about finished the Wicked Wandas build. Hopely your instructions are better then the WW's was.

New Adventure <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=46&t=9245</a><!-- l -->

Great White North
LynnB Wrote:Just catching up on your progress Jack and really like what I see. Your going to enjoy putting that Bar Mills kit together there alot of fun , I just finished or just about finished the Wicked Wandas build. Hopely your instructions are better then the WW's was.

Thanks Lynn.
I like your version of Wickeds, but you have me worried now. What Eek not very good instructions? I live by instructions. I read them when everything turns to... well you know. My imagination aint that good that I can do something without looking at the answers first. Just ask the War Office. Misngth

K. So back to Rustys, and I went down early in morning and ...Whammo, there it is.
[Image: img_0353.jpg]

The Boys have been busy

I Walked around and checked out the other sides
[Image: img_0354.jpg]

[Image: img_0355.jpg]

By lunchtime the old posters were going on
[Image: img_0364.jpg]

[Image: img_0367.jpg]

[Image: img_0362.jpg]

And there seems to be a roof of sorts sitting there as well
[Image: img_0365.jpg]

Signs added..and lights...and ducting..
[Image: img_0370.jpg]

[Image: img_0371.jpg]

[Image: img_0372.jpg]

[Image: img_0373.jpg]

OK here is a roof shot, which needs to be a tar paper colour :oops:
[Image: img_0374.jpg]

Maybe that is enough for one day, the boys have earned a break. Popcornbeer

Time to get the landscape professionals in to give it that "lived in" feeling.

More when they have been and gone, ...and the camera cools down, ( must be why the pics don't look to hot)

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
These are some mighty nice structures you got there. I absolutely love the Radiator Repair, though the pier is a very nice struture too. But most of all I like how you painted and weathered them. Gives them exactly the right run down look Thumbsup Thumbsup .
Those Kramer boys have just the right touch to get a building together in record time, and have it turn out beautifully... Thumbsup

I like the sign "The best place to take a leak"... Goldth
Gus (LC&P).
Jack, you are doing some outstanding modeling! Keep up the great work Thumbsup Thumbsup
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World
OK Jack,
Christmas and the New Year are over. Time to get back to work to amaze your friends at the gauge even more.

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