The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Morning all. Cloudy and chilly. Suppose to rain. ??? Got big group of TWC folks coming at 12:30. Got their attention with an email to a biggie last night. Bet second DVR problem gets fixed. Been going on for months.

Naming Kev as our consumer research and advocate. He will keep us informed. Thanks

Burg the old lab [15 1/2] may take his last ride to the vet today.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning. It's 43° with 100% humidity. The high will be 57° with a very good possibility of thunderstorms.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg] with [Image: cond80.jpg]

Well there's lots of rain outside and I don't see any of it inside. That's the way it's supposed to be I would think. Temporary repairs are holding up. I've done what I can for now. The next step will be to fix the over-roof. That'll require some warmer dryer weather. It's hard to work in cold weather especially when the wind is coming right off the lake. Brrr! And I can't work in wet weather at all, cold or warm! A warning I got when I got my prosthesis, don't get it wet at all. I don't know what might happen if I did but I'm not gonna act stupid and find out. As far as paying for materials for repairs go money isn't a problem for now. However it looks like I'll have to spend some of it on a battery for my van. I tried starting it yesterday and all I got was click-click-click-click. I cleaned the clamps and posts really good and still got just click-click-click-click. The charger was on it all night. I just tried it again and still it's click-click-click-click. I'm pretty sure the battery has had it. So there goes a hundred bucks or more. I hate to do it but I have to have a vehicle.

Looks like today will be good for working on the layout. Clearing clutter will have to be the name of the game there. Buying Styrofoam sheet for use under the new track will have to wait until my next SSI payment comes in March.

[Image: DSCN6415.jpg]

[Image: DSCN5363.jpg]

[Image: DSCN6408.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
We have clouds and 19 degrees.
MORE snow expected overnight. Enough already.
Grocery shopping with granny, took all morning.
Me just like clothes, I go, I get, I pay and get out.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Got the van running again and didn't have to get a battery for it. The problem turned out to be the ground cable connection on the engine.

Also upgraded to Windows 8.1 on my computer here. Some little differences but nothing to write home about.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good night all.

Burg [15 1/2 lab/golden] took his last ride to the Vet [a buddy of mine] around 4:30 today. Good thing he did. Vet said he had not muscle mass in left rear leg, no real motion in front left leg and something felt unusual in his bladder. In fact while Vet was feeling of bladder, he peed on the floor. Great dog but time to go. Wifey was only a little teary but OK with it too. That meant it was time as she is usually the most upset.

Chilly and raining. Poured a few times.

Sleep tight.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all.

I got off work at 11:30 last night just to find half a foot of snow outside, what should have been a 20 min. drive home took a little over an hour roads had not been plowed or even salted . I made it home just to get stuck trying to make it up the slight incline of my drive way. Got unstuck but could not make it up the drive way and the snow was still coming down at the time parked on the street(big mistake) got a shovel to clear the drive way just to find that the truck was now stuck at the curb so I had to dig the wheels out which was now covered with sleet on top of snow. Too make a long story short It was after 2:00 am by the time I got the truck up on the drive way under the car port. 35

Good night all.
Good morning. It's 33° with 100% humidity. The high will be 48° with some clouds.
[Image: pcloudy-1.jpg]

No plans for today except to stay warm. I may do some work on the layout later.

[Image: DSCN1746.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Chief: Sorry to hear about Burg. you're right - it was probably time.. Probably best for him too. Sad Sad Take care!!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Greetings, gang.

Windy with no temperature this morning. Right now it's 0 with an expected high of 4. Not much of an improvement.

First up this morning is to bundle up and clean off the sidewalks. We picked up about an inch of snow overnight but the winds have packed it down pretty good so I'll be using the snow blower.

Worked until about 7 last night trying to get the water lines for the new tub faucet to stop seeping. Finally gave up on that and will work on it later today. Not sure why it's seeping. All brass fittings with Teflon tape.

Chief - sorry for your loss. Putting down a family member is always tough.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Morning Blue
Snowing and blowing.
The temp is 21 degrees
No train news this morning.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Rainy morning. Warming as we speak. Fair and 60's this afternoon.

Wifey has not shed a tear over Burg since I got home. She finally knew it was the right time. This is good. He had been her "watch dog" for years. When I traveled after retirement, he was here. When I went to the lake house, he was here. He was big and barked loud. She felt safe.

KEV, on CBS news, a small John Deere [probably smallest tractor, not riding mower] had cab and a nice snow blower cleaning a street in NY state. Keeps this up, you will have to buy a blower for your JD. Stay warm.

Off for blood draw for a follow up next week. Then lady from Wake Med [big hospital] is coming for lunch and a tour of Rville. Talking to them about a presence here.

Afternoon free. Maybe get in train box. Got new TIU I haven't installed yet. Where does the time go?

Just finished DVR'd Killer Women. My kind of Texas Ranger. Thumbsup

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
A little while back a person I know brought me an old Lobo disk drive. It had it's own controller with it. I installed the controller in my //e, hooked the drive up to it, put in a disk and turned the computer on. The drive started up and instantly trashed the disk. So I disconnected the drive then made a new copy of the disk. I checked the drive over and there was nothing wrong with it. I took it's controller card out of my //e and replaced it with an Apple X104 controller and hooked the drive up to it and tried again. The drive works great. The controller was the problem. That didn't keep me from making some tweaks to the drive. Now it'll run anything my other drives will.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Hasn't been a really busy day for me. Been watching Mike Holmes on the TV when I haven't been working on the computer. When I was sorting through the program disks looking for one that I needed a copy of I came to the conclusion for the umpteenth time that I really need a set of diskette filer trays for all these disks I have instead of these cardboard boxes. And again I simply filed it away under "Something to get when I have the money for it". I have more important things to worry about than where I store my disks.

The weather guesser didn't say anything about rain this morning but I know I heard raindrops hitting the roof this afternoon. That and the stiff wind he said nothing about that was blowing sticks, limbs and a whole bunch of pine needles against my trailer. To date I haven't heard or seen any water coming in anywhere and haven't heard any dripping inside the walls. The temporary repairs are holding up well. I thank all of you who have contributed. Without your help I wouldn't have even gotten this far. I would have had to take out a loan or sell a bunch of my model stuff or both. Most of my railroad models are rebuilds or home-built stuff and as such aren't worth much except to those looking for something unusual or something that's a one-of-a-kind item. The heavy work of going into the walls is still to come. I'm already making plans for that. The biggest thing is finding somebody who has the time to help me do it.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good night all. Special prayers for those without power in PA. Special ones for all you with MORE snow.
Sleep tight.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Got below freezing temp tonight. It's gonna be 28. Thankfully no rain or other precipitation. Looks like there might be a chance of some freezing rain in the morning though. The high is looking to be a cool 40.

Didn't do much today. Worked on a disk drive for the //e only to find it wasn't the problem. The drive controller card was trashed. The disk drive works great on an Apple drive card.

No layout work today.

Time to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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[Image: DSCN3198.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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